Train Number |
CIÉ S 901 |
CIÉ S 903 |
CIÉ S 906 |
CIÉ S 911 |
CIÉ S 952 |
CIÉ S 914 |
CIÉ S 916 |
Calendar | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] |
Notes | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ |
Greystones...............d |
05:42 |
06:24 |
07:24 |
08:24 |
08:53 |
09:24 |
10:04 |
Bray.....................a | 05:52 | 06:34 | 07:34 | 08:34 | 09:04 | 09:34 | 10:14 |
Bray.....................d |
05:53 |
06:35 |
07:35 |
08:35 |
09:05 |
09:35 |
10:15 |
Shankill.................a | 05:57 | 06:39 | 07:39 | 08:39 | 09:09 | 09:39 | 10:19 |
Shankill.................d |
05:58 |
06:40 |
07:40 |
08:40 |
09:09 |
09:39 |
10:19 |
Killiney.................a | 06:00 | 06:42 | 07:42 | 08:42 | 09:12 | 09:42 | 10:22 |
Killiney.................d |
06:00 |
06:42 |
07:42 |
08:42 |
09:12 |
09:42 |
10:22 |
Dalkey...................a | 06:05 | 06:47 | 07:47 | 08:47 | 09:16 | 09:46 | 10:26 |
Dalkey...................d |
06:05 |
06:47 |
07:47 |
08:47 |
09:17 |
09:47 |
10:27 |
Glenageary...............a | 06:07 | 06:49 | 07:49 | 08:49 | 09:19 | 09:49 | 10:29 |
Glenageary...............d |
06:08 |
06:50 |
07:50 |
08:50 |
09:19 |
09:49 |
10:29 |
Sandycove................a | 06:09 | 06:51 | 07:51 | 08:51 | 09:21 | 09:51 | 10:31 |
Sandycove................d |
06:10 |
06:52 |
07:52 |
08:52 |
09:21 |
09:51 |
10:31 |
Dun Laoghaire............a | 06:13 | 06:55 | 07:55 | 08:55 | 09:24 | 09:54 | 10:34 |
Dun Laoghaire............d |
06:13 |
06:55 |
07:55 |
08:55 |
09:25 |
09:55 |
10:35 |
Salthill.................a | 06:15 | 06:57 | 07:57 | 08:57 | 09:27 | 09:57 | 10:37 |
Salthill.................d |
06:15 |
06:57 |
07:57 |
08:57 |
09:27 |
09:57 |
10:37 |
Seapoint.................a | 06:17 | 06:59 | 07:59 | 08:59 | 09:28 | 09:58 | 10:38 |
Seapoint.................d |
06:17 |
06:59 |
07:59 |
08:59 |
09:29 |
09:59 |
10:39 |
Blackrock................a | 06:19 | 07:01 | 08:01 | 09:01 | 09:31 | 10:01 | 10:41 |
Blackrock................d |
06:20 |
07:01 |
08:01 |
09:01 |
09:31 |
10:01 |
10:41 |
Booterstown..............a | 06:21 | 07:03 | 08:03 | 09:03 | 09:33 | 10:03 | 10:43 |
Booterstown..............d |
06:22 |
07:04 |
08:04 |
09:04 |
09:33 |
10:03 |
10:43 |
Sydney Parade............a | 06:24 | 07:06 | 08:06 | 09:06 | 09:35 | 10:05 | 10:45 |
Sydney Parade............d |
06:24 |
07:06 |
08:06 |
09:06 |
09:36 |
10:06 |
10:46 |
Sandymount...............a | 06:26 | 07:08 | 08:08 | 09:08 | 09:38 | 10:08 | 10:48 |
Sandymount...............d |
06:27 |
07:09 |
08:09 |
09:09 |
09:38 |
10:08 |
10:48 |
Lansdowne Road...........a | 06:29 | 07:11 | 08:11 | 09:11 | 09:40 | 10:10 | 10:50 |
Lansdowne Road...........d |
06:29 |
07:11 |
08:11 |
09:11 |
09:40 |
10:10 |
10:50 |
Dublin Grand Canal Dock..a | 06:32 | 07:14 | 08:14 | 09:14 | 09:43 | 10:13 | 10:53 |
Dublin Grand Canal Dock..d |
06:33 |
07:15 |
08:15 |
09:15 |
09:44 |
10:14 |
10:54 |
Dublin Pearse............a | 06:34 | 07:17 | 08:16 | 09:16 | 09:46 | 10:16 | 10:56 |
Dublin Pearse............d |
06:35 |
07:18 |
08:17 |
09:17 |
09:47 |
10:17 |
10:57 |
Dublin Tara Street.......a | 06:36 | 07:19 | 08:18 | 09:18 | 09:48 | 10:18 | 10:58 |
Dublin Tara Street.......d |
06:37 |
07:20 |
08:19 |
09:19 |
09:49 |
10:19 |
10:59 |
Dublin Connolly..........a | 06:39 | 07:22 | 08:21 | 09:21 | 09:52 | 10:22 | 11:02 |
Dublin Connolly..........d |
06:40 |
07:23 |
08:23 |
09:22 |
09:53 |
10:23 |
11:03 |
Clontarf Road............a | 06:45 | 07:27 | 08:27 | 09:26 | 09:57 | 10:26 | 11:06 |
Clontarf Road............d |
06:46 |
07:28 |
08:28 |
09:27 |
09:58 |
10:27 |
11:07 |
Killester................a | 06:48 | 07:30 | 08:30 | 09:29 | 10:00 | 10:29 | 11:09 |
Killester................d |
06:48 |
07:30 |
08:30 |
09:29 |
10:00 |
10:29 |
11:09 |
Harmonstown..............a | 06:50 | 07:32 | 08:32 | 09:31 | 10:02 | 10:31 | 11:11 |
Harmonstown..............d |
06:50 |
07:32 |
08:32 |
09:31 |
10:02 |
10:31 |
11:11 |
Raheny...................a | 06:52 | 07:34 | 08:34 | 09:33 | 10:04 | 10:33 | 11:13 |
Raheny...................d |
06:52 |
07:34 |
08:34 |
09:33 |
10:04 |
10:33 |
11:13 |
Kilbarrack...............a | 06:54 | 07:36 | 08:36 | 09:35 | 10:06 | 10:35 | 11:15 |
Kilbarrack...............d |
06:54 |
07:36 |
08:36 |
09:35 |
10:06 |
10:35 |
11:15 |
Howth Junction...........a | 06:56 | 07:38 | 08:38 | 09:37 | 10:08 | 10:37 | 11:17 |
Howth Junction...........d |
06:56 |
07:38 |
08:38 |
09:37 |
10:08 |
10:37 |
11:17 |
Bayside..................a | 06:58 | 07:40 | 08:40 | 09:39 | 10:11 | 10:39 | 11:19 |
Bayside..................d |
06:59 |
07:41 |
08:41 |
09:40 |
10:11 |
10:40 |
11:20 |
Sutton...................a | 07:01 | 07:43 | 08:43 | 09:42 | 10:13 | 10:42 | 11:22 |
Sutton...................d |
07:01 |
07:43 |
08:43 |
09:42 |
10:13 |
10:42 |
11:22 |
Howth....................a | 07:07 | 07:49 | 08:49 | 09:48 | 10:19 | 10:48 | 11:28 |
Train Number |
CIÉ S 919 |
CIÉ S 922 |
CIÉ S 925 |
CIÉ S 928 |
CIÉ S 931 |
CIÉ S 934 |
CIÉ S 937 |
Calendar | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] |
Notes | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ |
Greystones...............d |
11:03 |
12:01 |
13:01 |
14:01 |
15:03 |
16:01 |
17:01 |
Bray.....................a | 11:14 | 12:12 | 13:12 | 14:12 | 15:13 | 16:12 | 17:12 |
Bray.....................d |
11:15 |
12:15 |
13:15 |
14:15 |
15:15 |
16:15 |
17:15 |
Shankill.................a | 11:19 | 12:19 | 13:19 | 14:19 | 15:19 | 16:19 | 17:19 |
Shankill.................d |
11:19 |
12:19 |
13:19 |
14:19 |
15:19 |
16:19 |
17:19 |
Killiney.................a | 11:22 | 12:22 | 13:22 | 14:22 | 15:22 | 16:22 | 17:22 |
Killiney.................d |
11:22 |
12:22 |
13:22 |
14:22 |
15:22 |
16:22 |
17:22 |
Dalkey...................a | 11:26 | 12:26 | 13:26 | 14:26 | 15:26 | 16:26 | 17:26 |
Dalkey...................d |
11:27 |
12:27 |
13:27 |
14:27 |
15:27 |
16:27 |
17:27 |
Glenageary...............a | 11:29 | 12:29 | 13:29 | 14:29 | 15:29 | 16:29 | 17:29 |
Glenageary...............d |
11:29 |
12:29 |
13:29 |
14:29 |
15:29 |
16:29 |
17:29 |
Sandycove................a | 11:31 | 12:31 | 13:31 | 14:31 | 15:31 | 16:31 | 17:31 |
Sandycove................d |
11:31 |
12:31 |
13:31 |
14:31 |
15:31 |
16:31 |
17:31 |
Dun Laoghaire............a | 11:34 | 12:34 | 13:34 | 14:34 | 15:34 | 16:34 | 17:34 |
Dun Laoghaire............d |
11:35 |
12:35 |
13:35 |
14:35 |
15:35 |
16:35 |
17:35 |
Salthill.................a | 11:37 | 12:37 | 13:37 | 14:37 | 15:37 | 16:37 | 17:37 |
Salthill.................d |
11:37 |
12:37 |
13:37 |
14:37 |
15:37 |
16:37 |
17:37 |
Seapoint.................a | 11:38 | 12:38 | 13:38 | 14:38 | 15:38 | 16:38 | 17:38 |
Seapoint.................d |
11:39 |
12:39 |
13:39 |
14:39 |
15:39 |
16:39 |
17:39 |
Blackrock................a | 11:41 | 12:41 | 13:41 | 14:41 | 15:41 | 16:41 | 17:41 |
Blackrock................d |
11:41 |
12:41 |
13:41 |
14:41 |
15:41 |
16:41 |
17:41 |
Booterstown..............a | 11:43 | 12:43 | 13:43 | 14:43 | 15:43 | 16:43 | 17:43 |
Booterstown..............d |
11:43 |
12:43 |
13:43 |
14:43 |
15:43 |
16:43 |
17:43 |
Sydney Parade............a | 11:45 | 12:45 | 13:45 | 14:45 | 15:45 | 16:45 | 17:45 |
Sydney Parade............d |
11:46 |
12:46 |
13:46 |
14:46 |
15:46 |
16:46 |
17:46 |
Sandymount...............a | 11:48 | 12:48 | 13:48 | 14:48 | 15:48 | 16:48 | 17:48 |
Sandymount...............d |
11:48 |
12:48 |
13:48 |
14:48 |
15:48 |
16:48 |
17:48 |
Lansdowne Road...........a | 11:50 | 12:50 | 13:50 | 14:50 | 15:50 | 16:50 | 17:50 |
Lansdowne Road...........d |
11:50 |
12:50 |
13:50 |
14:50 |
15:50 |
16:50 |
17:50 |
Dublin Grand Canal Dock..a | 11:53 | 12:53 | 13:53 | 14:53 | 15:53 | 16:53 | 17:53 |
Dublin Grand Canal Dock..d |
11:54 |
12:54 |
13:54 |
14:54 |
15:54 |
16:54 |
17:54 |
Dublin Pearse............a | 11:56 | 12:56 | 13:56 | 14:56 | 15:56 | 16:56 | 17:56 |
Dublin Pearse............d |
11:57 |
12:57 |
13:57 |
14:57 |
15:57 |
16:57 |
17:57 |
Dublin Tara Street.......a | 11:58 | 12:58 | 13:58 | 14:58 | 15:58 | 16:58 | 17:58 |
Dublin Tara Street.......d |
11:59 |
12:59 |
13:59 |
14:59 |
15:59 |
16:59 |
17:59 |
Dublin Connolly..........a | 12:02 | 13:02 | 14:02 | 15:02 | 16:02 | 17:02 | 18:02 |
Dublin Connolly..........d |
12:03 |
13:03 |
14:03 |
15:03 |
16:03 |
17:03 |
18:03 |
Clontarf Road............a | 12:07 | 13:07 | 14:06 | 15:07 | 16:06 | 17:07 | 18:07 |
Clontarf Road............d |
12:08 |
13:08 |
14:07 |
15:08 |
16:07 |
17:08 |
18:08 |
Killester................a | 12:10 | 13:10 | 14:09 | 15:10 | 16:09 | 17:10 | 18:10 |
Killester................d |
12:10 |
13:10 |
14:09 |
15:10 |
16:09 |
17:10 |
18:10 |
Harmonstown..............a | 12:12 | 13:12 | 14:11 | 15:12 | 16:11 | 17:12 | 18:12 |
Harmonstown..............d |
12:12 |
13:12 |
14:11 |
15:12 |
16:11 |
17:12 |
18:12 |
Raheny...................a | 12:14 | 13:14 | 14:13 | 15:14 | 16:13 | 17:14 | 18:14 |
Raheny...................d |
12:14 |
13:14 |
14:13 |
15:14 |
16:13 |
17:14 |
18:14 |
Kilbarrack...............a | 12:16 | 13:16 | 14:15 | 15:16 | 16:15 | 17:16 | 18:16 |
Kilbarrack...............d |
12:16 |
13:16 |
14:15 |
15:16 |
16:15 |
17:16 |
18:16 |
Howth Junction...........a | 12:18 | 13:18 | 14:17 | 15:18 | 16:17 | 17:18 | 18:18 |
Howth Junction...........d |
12:18 |
13:18 |
14:17 |
15:18 |
16:17 |
17:18 |
18:18 |
Bayside..................a | 12:20 | 13:20 | 14:19 | 15:20 | 16:19 | 17:20 | 18:20 |
Bayside..................d |
12:21 |
13:21 |
14:20 |
15:21 |
16:20 |
17:21 |
18:21 |
Sutton...................a | 12:23 | 13:23 | 14:22 | 15:23 | 16:22 | 17:23 | 18:23 |
Sutton...................d |
12:23 |
13:23 |
14:22 |
15:23 |
16:22 |
17:23 |
18:23 |
Howth....................a | 12:28 | 13:28 | 14:28 | 15:28 | 16:28 | 17:28 | 18:28 |
Train Number |
CIÉ S 940 |
CIÉ S 943 |
CIÉ S 948 |
CIÉ S 949 |
CIÉ S 950 |
CIÉ S 951 |
Calendar | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | ⚒ [1] | |
Notes | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | ♿ | |
Greystones...............d |
18:01 |
19:01 |
21:16 |
21:50 |
22:20 |
22:52 |
Bray.....................a | 18:12 | 19:11 | 21:26 | 22:00 | 22:30 | 23:02 | |
Bray.....................d |
18:15 |
19:12 |
21:27 |
22:02 |
22:32 |
23:05 |
Shankill.................a | 18:19 | 19:16 | 21:31 | 22:06 | 22:36 | 23:09 | |
Shankill.................d |
18:19 |
19:16 |
21:31 |
22:06 |
22:36 |
23:09 |
Killiney.................a | 18:22 | 19:19 | 21:34 | 22:09 | 22:39 | 23:12 | |
Killiney.................d |
18:22 |
19:19 |
21:34 |
22:09 |
22:39 |
23:12 |
Dalkey...................a | 18:26 | 19:23 | 21:38 | 22:13 | 22:43 | 23:16 | |
Dalkey...................d |
18:27 |
19:24 |
21:39 |
22:14 |
22:44 |
23:17 |
Glenageary...............a | 18:29 | 19:26 | 21:41 | 22:16 | 22:46 | 23:19 | |
Glenageary...............d |
18:29 |
19:26 |
21:41 |
22:16 |
22:46 |
23:19 |
Sandycove................a | 18:31 | 19:28 | 21:43 | 22:18 | 22:48 | 23:21 | |
Sandycove................d |
18:31 |
19:28 |
21:43 |
22:18 |
22:48 |
23:21 |
Dun Laoghaire............a | 18:34 | 19:31 | 21:46 | 22:21 | 22:51 | 23:24 | |
Dun Laoghaire............d |
18:35 |
19:32 |
21:47 |
22:22 |
22:52 |
23:25 |
Salthill.................a | 18:37 | 19:34 | 21:49 | 22:24 | 22:54 | 23:27 | |
Salthill.................d |
18:37 |
19:34 |
21:49 |
22:24 |
22:54 |
23:27 |
Seapoint.................a | 18:38 | 19:35 | 21:50 | 22:25 | 22:55 | 23:28 | |
Seapoint.................d |
18:39 |
19:36 |
21:51 |
22:26 |
22:56 |
23:29 |
Blackrock................a | 18:41 | 19:38 | 21:53 | 22:28 | 22:58 | 23:31 | |
Blackrock................d |
18:41 |
19:38 |
21:53 |
22:28 |
22:58 |
23:31 |
Booterstown..............a | 18:43 | 19:40 | 21:55 | 22:30 | 23:00 | 23:33 | |
Booterstown..............d |
18:43 |
19:40 |
21:55 |
22:30 |
23:00 |
23:33 |
Sydney Parade............a | 18:45 | 19:42 | 21:57 | 22:32 | 23:02 | 23:35 | |
Sydney Parade............d |
18:46 |
19:43 |
21:58 |
22:33 |
23:03 |
23:36 |
Sandymount...............a | 18:48 | 19:45 | 22:00 | 22:35 | 23:05 | 23:38 | |
Sandymount...............d |
18:48 |
19:45 |
22:00 |
22:35 |
23:05 |
23:38 |
Lansdowne Road...........a | 18:50 | 19:47 | 22:02 | 22:37 | 23:07 | 23:40 | |
Lansdowne Road...........d |
18:50 |
19:47 |
22:02 |
22:37 |
23:07 |
23:40 |
Dublin Grand Canal Dock..a | 18:53 | 19:50 | 22:05 | 22:40 | 23:10 | 23:43 | |
Dublin Grand Canal Dock..d |
18:54 |
19:51 |
22:06 |
22:41 |
23:11 |
23:44 |
Dublin Pearse............a | 18:56 | 19:53 | 22:08 | 22:43 | 23:13 | 23:46 | |
Dublin Pearse............d |
18:57 |
19:54 |
22:09 |
22:44 |
23:14 |
23:47 |
Dublin Tara Street.......a | 18:58 | 19:55 | 22:10 | 22:45 | 23:15 | 23:48 | |
Dublin Tara Street.......d |
18:59 |
19:56 |
22:11 |
22:46 |
23:16 |
23:49 |
Dublin Connolly..........a | 19:02 | 19:59 | 22:14 | 22:49 | 23:19 | 23:52 | |
Dublin Connolly..........d |
19:03 |
20:00 |
22:15 |
22:50 |
23:20 |
23:53 |
Clontarf Road............a | 19:06 | 20:03 | 22:18 | 22:54 | 23:23 | 23:56 | |
Clontarf Road............d |
19:07 |
20:04 |
22:19 |
22:55 |
23:24 |
23:57 |
Killester................a | 19:09 | 20:06 | 22:21 | 22:57 | 23:26 | 23:59 | |
Killester................d |
19:09 |
20:07 |
22:21 |
22:57 |
23:26 |
23:59 |
Harmonstown..............a | 19:11 | 20:09 | 22:23 | 22:59 | 23:28 | 00:01 | |
Harmonstown..............d |
19:11 |
20:09 |
22:23 |
22:59 |
23:28 |
00:01 |
Raheny...................a | 19:13 | 20:11 | 22:25 | 23:01 | 23:30 | 00:03 | |
Raheny...................d |
19:13 |
20:12 |
22:25 |
23:01 |
23:30 |
00:03 |
Kilbarrack...............a | 19:15 | 20:14 | 22:27 | 23:03 | 23:32 | 00:05 | |
Kilbarrack...............d |
19:15 |
20:14 |
22:27 |
23:03 |
23:32 |
00:05 |
Howth Junction...........a | 19:17 | 20:16 | 22:29 | 23:05 | 23:34 | 00:07 | |
Howth Junction...........d |
19:17 |
20:16 |
22:29 |
23:05 |
23:34 |
00:07 |
Bayside..................a | 19:19 | 20:18 | 22:31 | 23:07 | 23:36 | 00:09 | |
Bayside..................d |
19:20 |
20:19 |
22:32 |
23:08 |
23:37 |
00:10 |
Sutton...................a | 19:22 | 20:21 | 22:34 | 23:10 | 23:39 | 00:12 | |
Sutton...................d |
19:22 |
20:21 |
22:34 |
23:10 |
23:39 |
00:12 |
Howth....................a | 19:28 | 20:27 | 22:40 | 23:15 | 23:45 | 00:18 |
Calendar notes and symbols
✅ Runs everyday
🎉 Runs at weekends
⚒ Runs at working days
① Monday ② Tuesday ③ Wednesday ④ Thursday ⑤ Friday ⑥ Saturday ⑦ Sunday
Time periods example: ①-③ Mondays to Wednesday ⑤-⑦ Friday to Sunday
- The train won't be running on 2024-12-24, 2024-12-25, 2024-12-26, 2024-12-27, 2024-12-30, 2024-12-31, 2025-01-01, 2025-02-03
Train notes and symbols
♿ Space for wheelchairs available
Route map
Timetables arriving at GREYSTONES
Timetables departing from HOWTH